Friday, May 2, 2014

What Is Wellness? Cafe Of Life Gives A New Definition

What Is Wellness? Cafe Of Life Gives A New Definition

What is Wellness?

We see the word wellness all over the accommodation. We see it in magazine ads, we here it on TV. In actuality, we repeatedly see the words health and wellness together.

Many people affirm they have a pretty good understanding of what this word means.

Whenever I ask someone for his or her understanding of the word wellness, the typical definition I get oftentimes goes something jibing this:

Wellness is a way to prevent infection and disease so you can stay healthy.

I would approximating to examine why this definition totally is askew. In detail, it is completely mislaid any real description of what wellness truly is.

First of all, this definition begins by describing something from the attitude of what it is not. This violates the most important rule of defining object. It says wellness is not infection and disease.

Second, it says that by preventing one thing, you will have in addition thing ( by preventing disorder and disease, you will have health ). This is generally not the case in life.

For example, we can get out of debt by paying off all our bills. But, once we reach that point we dont have wealth. We tidily no longer have any debt. We are, so to speak, single with nihility! If we want to have wealth, we must do things that actively produce wealth!

The alike applies to our health. We can take all types of treatments and end up at the point where we are no longer sick. But, once we distance that point we arent necessarily healthy. We are actually at a propitious of neutral point basically between infection and health. If we want to have a high level of health, we need to do things that actively produce health!

Lastly, this definition talks about staying healthy, as if there is an end point to how healthy we can actually become.

So, as we can see, the dominant definition of wellness is not one that has any significant relevance for anyone seeking to continually develop his or her health.

Before we can get to a good definition of wellness, we first need to catch on what health really is.

Your brain and body communicate by means of your nerve system. This Innate Genetic Wisdom of the body is what runs, regulates, grows and heals you from conception until death. As long as there is no hamper in the nerve system, your body can adapt to all of the essential, chemical and emotional stresses you encounter each day and prevent damage. In addition, it can heal any previous damage done, as well as keep you growing and unfolding into whatever you were yet meant to be in your week.

So, a good definition of health is:
the ability to adapt.

And, we can see from this definition that full expression of your Life Force automatically brings with it the ability to adapt, or optimal health. This is why many chiropractors talk about full expression of Life tolerably than just conversation about health.

We also spoken that if a person wants to have a high level of health, he or bird must do things that actively produce health. This is where lifestyle comes in. It has been my experience that most people tell they want a healthy lifestyle. But, what they really want is health as a part of their current lifestyles. Unfortunately, for most people, their current lifestyles will not allow them to have the high levels of health they are seeking.

So, to complete our definition of what wellness is, there is just one more element we must add. We need to distinguish why wellness is important. In other words, what purpose does a wellness - centered lifestyle serve?

Hippocrates once uttered, All living systems are either growing or expiration. What he meant is that all of life is a process, and we are either potent in the order of sickness, aging and death, or we are cogent healthful improvement and the full image of health and life.

Hippocrates was right if we sight at the overall make apparent. But, we are, in detail, both growing and oblivion at the identical time. Foreign bodily, chemical and emotional stresses are breaking us down, while other internal or innate processes are building us back up. Whichever of these two processes predominate will persuade which direction we measure overall... toward death or toward produce. So, as you can see, there is no finish line to get to when we talk about health.

So lets put together our new definition of wellness now.

Wellness means constantly working to increase our expression of life, so we can maximally adapt to all of the material, chemical and emotional stresses we encounter each day. And, as a crop, we increase more than we die.

With this definition, we now have a fine understanding that we are not just trying to eliminate or prevent item. We are actively taking rap for our lifestyles and living in a way that helps us actualize our probable.

We also see that we all have a choice here. We can live in a way that causes us to have nerve disincentive and moves us toward illness, aging and death, or we can assume a lifestyle that helps minimize any handicap and facilitates the creation of exactly what we want in our lives.

Finally, we can see that the relationship between you and your chiropractor is as team members. The chiropractors job is to find and remove any vicissitude in your nerve system, and your job is to stop making it. For a free tete-a-tete to jumpstart you onto the road to wellness, please give us a jingle at 303 - 953 - 9942.

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