Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Five Things That Are Negatively Affecting America

Five Things That Are Negatively Affecting America

This article addresses the matter of things that are negatively affecting America from three viewpoints, Conservative, Liberal, and the center. It is the collaboration of three writers with a desire to give a fair and complete review of the subject.


by Gerald Hand

To even begin writing according to an article requires a horrendous truth - the good times the United States is in, and has been in, serious task for some time now. There is no one person we can point to and affirm He did it, just comparable our founding documents were not written by one person but as a execution of a communal trouble. That is not to express the destruction has been a communal accomplishment but somewhat that of creeping incrementalism - the process by which values are slowly chipped away seemingly harmlessly until one day we no longer know our nation.

I stipulate the basis of our destruction is really predicated on just a few basic issues which have opened the floodgates for subsequent issues to mount. To make this argument, there have to be some basic assumptions:

The Constitution is the single - greatest article of government design ever written.
Its reverence is grounded in its simplicity and limitation of powers and the establishment of checks and balances between the 3 arms of the Federal government.
They were written with a Judeo - Christian cost to fear the individual.
The country was founded on and unharmed by the blood of many Americans throughout the ages and have similarly freed tens of millions of oppressed people the world round.
Problem #1: Education
The department of education was founded in its current state in 1979 during an arguably unconstitutional expansion of the government. To this day the DOE does little to further the education of our children. Somewhat, according to the principal at our local grade school, they stake approximately 3 % of the funding and miss 90 % of the paperwork. Since DOEs inception, the U. S. student has steadily vanished their position in world evaluating for math and sciences as third - world countries matching India have surpassed us. Banal with the chronicled short - comings of inner locus schools where children are forgotten, principals are encumbered with bureaucracy and absence of influence & discipline, drop - out rates have sky - rocketed. During this time, what little time they are exposed to any history, they are taught increasingly America is an imperialist potential - seeking country. They are not taught how to be outstanding - as a root, a spouse or even financially. They dont keep score in primary school sports so there are no losers. Their papers are not graded in infrared in in that that would lacerated their passion. The DOE and teachers Union fight to keep the character on education locking out competition. The children get a defeatist opinion and drop out. No longer a sense of achievability and exceptionalism which has made America strong, but one of cowering shoulders and looking for hand - outs. Is it any wonder if you ask someone who our V. P. is or if our President is a Keynseian they dont know what you are language about?

This has set the stage for the dumbing down of our students. We have eagerly accepted the fallacy and false move of separation of sanctuary and state, the Constitution is a living vital document and other slights of the Constitution which brings us to

Problem #2: Taking Divinity out of everything.
We are an overwhelmingly Christian nation, yet we constantly bow to a puberty below the auspices of offending their delicate speculation of not worshipping a father. Without World spirit, we can remove difficulty from our lives. Teenage pregnancy has exploded. Abortion is now a conformation of birth control. Divorce is commonly accepted as is living together and pre - married sex.

In Hollywood many actors / actresses who live lives of debauchery which we celebrate and many halfway worship with all the reality tv shows today. These lifestyles would not easy if they had to answer to Omnipotent for what they deliver and what they do. They make efforts and get involved in activities to show they care, but are constantly seeking something to fulfill their lives.

Likewise, in school, in politics, sporting events and much more, we remove God from our lives and create an ambience of no culpability. As a product, we as parents are not answerable for the shortcomings of our children. No one is censurable any more. Lawyers are litigating for everything which has caused a panic in the education system and work world. We are suing anyone for portion.

Our politicians continually pass legislation to restrict us from our rights as Christians and further isolate us from misfortune. Lawyers parse words to win their arguments crying their clients should not be held bound to for burning themselves with hot coffee from McDonalds - how could the client have known it was hot? Its not their blunder they trip over their own children in a furniture store breaking their ankle and then suing the store. After 40 - 50 years of obesity, smoking, and drinking if I should die on the operating diet as my surgeon performs open - heart surgery its HIS snag I died not mine.

Have you not noticed after we learned how badspanking was for our children and finally outlawed present grievance of any all heart, the kids have grown more unruly. And once also, with no sorrow from Divine being in school, the kids behave in any routine they see fit.

What the hell is erring with us? If we would only study the Bible or even just go to haven, we would become painfully aware of OUR shortcomings and can make improvements. Furthermore, the Bible is our owners manual. It tells us how to be good children, good parents, good spouses, how to eat, how to save money, how to treat neighbors and much more. Remove Spirit, and that awareness is gone.

Problem #3: Media
As I just verbal, we worship some of these people out there with serious lifestyles and model roles. We are fired with what they do, claim and estimate. We electrocute on their every word. Duchess Gaga running around telling us how we should vote. Matt Damon - college drop - out. Brad Pitt - college drop - out. Many more did not even bother stare college yet they pass themselves off as knowing something.

But its worse - much worse. The mainstream news has been liberal for years. Since the days of Walter Cronkite, who earned his reputation as a solid reporter, cashed in on it near retirement and became a commentator and not a reporter. Sadly, many follow in his footsteps without earning the distinction he enjoyed. And who can forget Dan Rathers pretentious implosion as a reporter as he so zealously chased a contrived story in the hopes of derailing President George W Bushs choosing? Several years ago a study of Brown University journalism students revealed the number one motive they wanted to be a journalist is they wanted to make a disparity.
Let me repeat that - they wanted to make a inequality. Not to report the news no matter how bad - but to MAKE A Contrariety. How can one positiveness what is being espoused then, knowing the majority of reporters are liberal and have their own agenda and sense of amends. Christiane Amanpour for example. Keith Olberman. There are lousy with examples. There is little wonder Fox News has risen so dramatically in its ratings over the years.

But the frightening thing is how much the news has affected recent elections: Clintons honor. Bush 41s sally No more new taxes. The debacle in Florida in 2000, and most recently, the ballot of our current President. The liberal media painted Sarah Palin as inexperienced but hailed Obama, a community diary, as the solution to the problems we face. Really? Where was the reporting on how accomplished he was as a community logbook and unaccomplished he was a Senator?

The media has become what I call the 4th arm of the Federal government. The cover - up of the Fannie - Mae / Freddie Mac fiasco. The governments emasculation of the CIA and legalist viewpoint which prevented FBI & CIA to share information which might have prevented 9 - 11. The constant coverage of illegal immigrants causing many politicians to faintheartedness play stiff to secure our borders. An encyclopedia could be written on the many infractions of pusillanimous journalism which is not so subtlely affecting our government. But this is only possible given Doubt #1 - our kids are dumbed down to not ask questions and nurture our Constitutional rights.

Problem #4 - Activist judges
Politically appointed judges have for a long time been a hotbed for debate, but even the most staunch liberal must admit the Constitution GUARANTEES me the right to own firearms, even in Chicago, even if the liberal dislikes that right. The Constitution further stipulates no rights guaranteed by the Constitution shall be infringed upon by the states. How in the world could the Illinois Supreme Assessor not rule 9 - 0 in support of the 2nd Amendment in McDonald v the Domicile of Chicago? How could any number of the recent Supreme Appraiser rulings not be more unclouded - cut than they have been with the liberal judges who are pleasing their beliefs?

Remember Sonia Sotomayors epigram spring chicken would be a great judge over of her ethnic heritage? That is exactly why chick would NOT be a good judge. To be able to make a statement approximative that illustrates her being unhinged from the basis of law. Peeress Liberty is blindfolded while catch the scales, but apparently Sonia feels it is okay to lift that blindfold occasionally and see WHO is arguing, not WHAT is being argued.
These judges have permitted, upheld and in many instances legislated from the negotiator downright contrived and anti - Constitutional laws, and also, whereas of our dumbed - down society and a biased media news source, they are permitted to do so.

Problem #5 - Polished Politicians
While I am a strong upholder in the Constitution, it seems it may be needed to make an Amendment - term limitations. While in the loosest sense of the word we do have limits with the selection process, once we have someone in office we accept their level quo. During Clintons first term a woman was on a local talk show and vocal virgin would vote for Clinton besides. When asked why dame answered

Well, he hasnt done figure THAT bad.

I midpoint drove into a suppress. We vote for a President based on how little bad they have done?

This is only to ornament my point because I know there are term limits on Presidents. However, dash back to the founding fathers, politics was not a profession. It was a calling. Thomas Jefferson wrote politicians should rule and legislate as though they were the ruled for they will return to be a constituent.
Not any more. The recent health - care legislation was passed so we can then read it and see whats inside. So we pass legislation without rendering it? Why do you even have a job then if you just absent - mindedly vote on a bill to reform 1 / 6 of the global economy our health care system? If I did something resembling that at work I would be fired - ANY of us would be, yet we seem to accept these actions and explanations from these politicians. And this is on both sides of the fence. Senator McCain the Maverick is known for coming across the aisles. Wait a minute: a maverick is someone who doesnt need others, who works alone. If he is advance across the aisle he is not a maverick but a watered down conservative and with his campaign reform bill he crossed firmly over into liberal domain. But his state continues to elect the turn - coat. The point being these politicians take on a sense of entitlement and lose sight of why they are there - THEY WORK FOR ME! They report to me. It is frightening we as voters and tax payers seem to forget that and do not hold these people accountable for their acts. Conceivably the recent elections are indicative of a new trend.

I have painted some wide illustriousness here and unfortunately we dont have the void to fully develop and dig into the premises I have put emanate.


by Noel Proulx

I have to admit this was a tougher piece to address than I thought it was functioning to be. At first I started to comprehend only 5, and then whittling them down to the ones I stroke are most important, gone education I judge that is a full article in itself, was tolerably difficult. There are so many great things about America and at the equivalent time we have a slew of problems that need correcting. I am deal to try my best do hearing to this article.


One of the biggest drains on our coffers are entitlements. Our average budget allocates 56. 74 % of all federal spending on Social Security 19. 63 %, Unemployment / Welfare - 16. 13 %, Medicare 12. 79 %, and Medicaid and the State Childrens Health Insurance Plan - 8. 19 %. These are all important programs, needed safety nets for all Americans, the way that they are managed and abused is what turns earnest positive into a black breach that sucks the life right out of the whole country.

Until we get ready these programs they will stand to devour our taxes and constantly miss more and more funding. Social Security is the biggest quandary of all of them, one that politicians are unlikely to organisation because doing so is political suicide. Part of Social Securitys slide into the maw comes from people living longer, but spare major crunch is we just dont have enough kids anymore. According to the 2000 census, as we dont have the full 2010 data yet, the stereotyped family has. 90 children. I visualize we all know how a pyramid scheme works, one person at the top has 2 subservient him and they each have 2 beneath them and so on with all the lower levels supporting the level dominant them. What we have rush in America is the accurate opposite where we are coming to a point where each person will have 2 people superior them to support and a half person supporting them. This reverse pyramid is prophetic to collapse. We are scene to be forced to make severe cuts, elevate the age to augment substantially, or massively increase the taxes on those supporting the elder succession to advance with the regular model. The big hot potato is that people in the extreme file absolutely dont want to make a renunciation and the lower tiers are current taxed heavily. Unless we as a country get behind an initiative to achieve this scrape Social Security unique will exit us.

Abuse / fraud for these systems is decisive added we have to directions and the sooner the better. Medicare fraud different comes in at an estimated $70 billion per year, cleaning up just half of that would midpoint pay for the undocked pow package in 20 years.


I am not words about the things that make each person different but that we have become a state of individuals and are no longer a real masses. Long misled are the Green light it to Beaver days when people knew their neighbors and watched out for one exceeding. As a nation we have become uninterested to yielding for one spare and care more about the rims we have on our car then about the people around us.

Take a gander at the Amish, if someones barn burns down the whole community shows up and uses their time and skills to the rebuildi it. Knowing others and watching out for one aggrandized in your community means that when you need help you know someone will be there. How many of you declaiming this really know your neighbors? Do you talk to them about everything other than keeping their dog of your lawn? You dont have to go out raising barns but simple things make all the idiosyncrasy.

We are a nation of hyphenated Americans somewhat than just Americans, distant cousins instead of brothers, and weaker in our individual space then we would be as a whole. We take immediate barrage to figure we do not pronto settle with even when in no way does it affect us as individuals or as a whole, we disagree to disagree.


I feel people on any side of an argument can come to an agreement that there is a subterranean disagreement in our current political theater. Theater may well be the perfect word for what is happening in Washington. Our politicians recite prewritten merchandise and sound bites, they pit us against one in addition in a Team Edward vs. Team Jacob argument so that we are so busy fighting amongst ourselves that we miss the actuality that they are just not doing their jobs.

Imagine if your own family was run the way we run our country. Your water heater pass so you have to get a new one. Instead of life out and buying one you first need to convene the household maintenance committee of yourself, your spouse and two of your children to copy up the proposal. You sit down to work out the details but before you can get this simple commercial brought radiate for a vote your spouse attaches a caveat that in order to buy the water heater you must also purchase a new radio for their car. Your children are split on buying the heater whereas each has a different friend whose father sells water heaters and each could get a commission depending on where you buy it from. These give and take debates go on for weeks, all the time you have no hot water for showers, dishes, or laundry, and conclusively emerge with a seventy - four page document that can be voted upon for the purchase of your water heater. With even more debate and concessions you hereafter pass your bill to buy a new heater and it now costs thirty - four times as much as the heater does. This does not even take into account that your in - laws were drafting up a bill of their own for you to get a new heater and now a new committee must sit down and take the elements they relating from the two bills and come up with a final bill for your search.

This is the sort of shenanigans and grief that floats about Washington every day. If you ever wonder just why our government spends so much money it is in the wasted man hours, earmarks, graft, and pork.

Prison System

On a whole our prison system is radically flawed if its true limit is rehabilitation. Unless you are a model that gets individual treatment inmates leave prison worse than when they went in, they are often more violent, have more emotional trauma, and if unable to find employment after their release have a very high scale of re - offending. We need to completely overhaul this entire system and work to return these inmates to society in a productive useful way. I am not vocabulary about the murderers and memoir rapists we have in prison but the kid who stole a car, the bloke who got in one bar fight to many, in short the people who ofttimes get out in just a few years. Separate these people from the frantic offenders who will be in prison for most or all of their life, teach them a trade and put them to work. We need to start passing out more fines for inferior offenses and stop letting the private prison lobbyists help note the penal codes. The government spends a lot of money to incarcerate each person, much of it paid to private prisons, is there any wonder they work so insoluble to get necessary sentences written in.

Over Regulatin

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