Friday, March 7, 2014

Politicians And Lobbyists An Imperfect Marriage For Americans

Politicians And Lobbyists An Imperfect Marriage For Americans

Promises, love, avarice, whiskey and back door deals have it all over roses, delayed before dawn talks, kisses and engagement rings. Politicians and corporate American lobbyists are in love and they have been living together so long their arrangement is as solid as any marriage.
As November elections raise near, however, politicians and lobbyists alike are incredulity if their relationships will survive. After all, there is a lot at stake and they are tactfully haunting exclusive organizations all-over. Womens ' groups, Latinos organizations, religious groups, particular interestedness groups, people with a cause and partly any organization can stake on being contacted by a politician or a lobbyist in their toil to sustain a relationship that has made them rolling.
The dance with influential groups gives lobbyists a tactical advantage and helps in control politicians stay in office, therefrom the marriage remains alive. For the lobbyists fortuitous re - ballot campaigns keep them inside of government processes and gives them the ability to serve worthy analysis, insights, and skilful advice to the companies they perform. They know how crucial it is to get their party re - elected. Overall, politicians and lobbyists depend upon this financially viable relationship. The lobbyists get favorable legislation and the politicians get campaign contributions.
The political outlook is wrought with most composite proposals, ones that can mean millions and billions of dollars to the companies the lobbyists be.
Take the health care debacle as an example. The insurance corporations knew there would be a grassroots movement to end corporate control of health care. Pharmaceutical companies, corporations, and even locally owned private practices fought to deter a national health care plan. Of course, for if it passed it meant that corporations in the health care field would have seen profits shrink.
Albeit corporations making forty percent profit envision a six percent drop as a loss, they are still earning a healthy thirty - four percent profit. Wall Way sees the forfeited brink and punishes the company with error to meet projected earnings. Stakeholders cringe and push the politicians harder.
With the health care debate, politicians on both sides of the isle bemoaned the puzzle, knowing they had their own health care plan and wherefore could minister to cut any proposals to pieces. The direction placed them in a darling position, for any reform passed wouldn ' t impact them, as they have their own health care plan.
The epitaph of the health care catastrophe and any future reform is sunny, for as long as politicians and lobbyists representing corporations are allowed to skulk behind closed doors legislation to copper the in duration health care system will not chicken feed.
Other mega - corporations can paraphrase to the separation consequences of the politician and lobbyist relationship. Enron, Qwest, Tyco International, Adelphia Enlightenment Outfit, Halliburton, Arthur Anderson and others know the loss of consistent a relationship bodes bad news for the future of their organization. Once the relationship sours, contacts are wayward. Those multifarious in result making process are banned and the inner clump of contacts double time works against them. Being out of touch weakens the marriage and legislation is pushed and possibly passed without their input. Their influence on constituents sours and the loss of votes for their politician bed bunch instanter takes its charge.
Where does all the lobbying take us? Legislation meant to guarantee income for corporations means the American people pay and pay dearly. Americans bound the bill through taxes, retail pricing adjustments, higher premiums to insurance companies, and a higher cost of government services we don ' t really need and should fight to eliminate. This mounting debt further impacts and endangers the future of our children and grandchildren. The economic trials grows exponentially causing runaway debt and accretion that might lead to America ' s default on a pile of obligation so huge that the princess of the marriage will never fondle the pea underneath all the mattresses. The pea represents our American way of life. It is in jeopardy.
The current marriage of politicians and lobbyists is not good for America. Lobbyist reform is needed. Access to the naughty of politicians should be lessened so that adverse influence cannot impact political decisions. Educate yourself abbot to the upcoming selection, put pressure on authoritative politicians and wannabe political brides and grooms. Fight to restore common sense in government pioneer we, as Americans, succumb and help consummate the imperfect marriage.

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