Saturday, December 21, 2013

What Can We Expect With Health Care Reform Now?

What Can We Expect With Health Care Reform Now?

The paradise is over for Democrats in Congress with the election of Scott Brown. Bipartisan support is now required in the Senate to pass bills. The dispute is what does this mean for health care reform now?
The idea of a sweeping health care reform plan is now a thing of the bygone. There winds of politics have blown and the people have vocal. Well, at opening in Massachusetts! Regardless, the query now is whether any health care reform bill can pass the Senate and be turned into law. Some endure there is neatly no way thing will pass while others stroke there is a alternative of passing a bill that is much smaller in scope.
Oddly, the blunder of sweeping health care reform is something that should be cheered by all sides of the political spectrum. Why? The bill had become parallel a hodge podge of exclusive interests initiatives and peculiar legislation that it was flurry to be a huge flaming disc monster that would have ended up being appealing to nobody and a weight on everyone.
So, what can we realistically expect at this point? Well, we have to sight at politics once besides. President Obama needs something so he can claim a “win”. Republicans need smash so that they can claim to be the party of something other than just saying “no”. Neither party can avoid the truth that health care costs are alacrity to be so out of control over the next decades that it will drive our national debt through the roof. Something has to be done and climactically it will.
What, exactly, that reform will review comparable is the great political query. If you can answer that, it is time to start playing the lotto!

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