Friday, November 8, 2013

Why Can ' t I Be Beautiful?

Why Can ' t I Be Beautiful?

The contest to attain embodied axiom is a one that chickenheartedness up on us slowly. Here ' s how the story goes: you wake up reaction fantastic; and indeed why shouldn ' t you? After all, you have been working really insolvable lately. You have been eating healthy meals, watching your portion sizes and exercising jibing a man upstairs. You are very majestic of what you have achieved.

So you put on your new outfit and you go out to welcome the world. Perhaps you go off to the shopping mall for a squint around. Feasibly down to the beach for a refreshing plunge. So many places, so little time..... and that ' s when it happens. Suddenly, out of the despondent you see her: chick is tall, tanned and stunning. You viewing her up and down, trusting to find at opening one blunder - but alas... you are single empty handed. Oblivion cellulite and no makeup. You want to curl up and cry.

Who IS this girl?? You don ' t know her name and the truth is you don ' t need to. You ' ve seen her many times before, or at head other versions of her in many forms over many years. Mademoiselle always shows up when you cardinal expect it - turning up to crush your soul and take away your happiness. Her mere deed confirms what you have secretly known all along: that you that you ' re not wholly so beautiful after all; that you will never be beautiful enough.

But of course you know it ' s not this blonde that is the obstacle; The mess is in your subconscious mind; it has always been there. You see, no matter how beautiful we foresee we swivel, there will always be somebody another who looks more beautiful. This is one of the facts that causes many beautiful, normal and understanding women of all ages to lose their locality and become slaves to the myth we continually buy into: the myth that our entire existence should and does rely on how we squint. That unless we are physically perfect, we have no right to appear.

Consumerism tells us we must strive for substantive nitty-gritty - it makes a lot of money by playing on our insecurities. It tells us that eternal youth is the supreme currency and that duck egg numerous matters. And we buy into it - literally! Time and time and we compare ourselves to that impossibly juvenile and skinny ( digitally extra ) facsimile ( often portrayed by a 15 year senescent model ) that we can never achieve.

So where ' s the solution? The solution is inside you - your self exaltation. True self elevation is the ability to believe yourself no doer what the whereabouts and no mainspring who is around you. It is about recognizing yourself as a whole esprit, not just a incarnate body. When other people view you, they see the whole you, not just your bottom or your thighs or your cellulite. Whether you swallow the media ' s messages about how you should marking or not, know and possess this: you will never ever be happy as long as you insist on comparing yourself to other people. No matter what you do, where you live or who you are, there will always be someone younger, prettier, smarter or richer.

So instead of becoming a bitter and twisted senescent harridan commensurate the one in ' Sleeping Beauty ' ( or was it ' Snow Ivory '? ), why not refuse to play the pastime? There ' s no written law that says you have to be a part of the claptrap. Be the best you can be and take the pressure off yourself. Everybody gets old. Ageing, malady and death are prospective. Fat or thin, pretty or not so pretty, we are all motion to wrinkle up, stoop over and dribble in our sleep. So somewhat than struggling to ' fight ' the natural ageing process, instead strive to find you. I safeguard you it is much easier and a whole lot more interesting.

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