Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Health Scandal Of The Decade – Monsanto’s Gmo Perversion Of Food

Health Scandal Of The Decade – Monsanto’s Gmo Perversion Of Food

It is the apogee of an astonishing scandal that has been steadily building over the foregone decade. During this time Monsanto’s mutated seeds have grown to 90 % of the U. S. soy crop and 85 % of the corn crop – and wheat is next on their agenda. Their efforts have been recognizeable by corporate bullying and have stressed the attention of the Fair treatment Department who is conducting an antitrust investigation. All the while they have been spending millions on lobbying to fast alley their agenda before the American public even realizes what hit them. Europeans are brunet about the need of safety testing for this newest Monsanto experiment. Monsanto is making an black potentiality play to corner the worldwide market on food and seeds. In the process they are adversely refashioning the very outlook of food itself.
Few people would eat Monsanto’s “food” if they tacit what it was or knew that they were eating it. President Obama and his family won’t eat it. Neither did the Bush family. Even a Monsanto employee cafeteria rejects it. This is no delighted matter. Your health and the health of your children and grandchildren are at stake. It seems more according to a scene from a horror flick than something happening in modern day America. Think your digestive tract turned into a Roundup herbicide plant and other suffering genetic signals slowly and progressively mouldy away your health. Unlike acute food poisoning from infectious E. coli, it is a slow and artful poisoning.
Why GMO Food is Dangerous
Monsanto’s GMO ( genetically modified framework ) technology inserts non - food genes, genes from other genus, into the DNA of food, modification the very temperament of food itself. In some cases these genes make the crops more tolerant to the Roundup herbicide made by Monsanto and in other cases the genes abnormally engender the DNA of food cells to produce toxic proteins that act as pesticides.
Most people are not propertied with the approach of alteration the score of food in a grand genetic experiment with unapprehended consequences. The idea of food capable its own internal toxin is equally abhorrent. After all, who wants to eat toxic food? Even fewer certainty this technology in the hands of Monsanto, a company with a history of blatant disregard for human health. It was Monsanto that knowingly poisoned the planet with toxic PCBs.
The process of making GMO seeds also poses health risks. Viral expounder genes are used during this production process and become part of the DNA mix, posing a risk for new types of viral disease. An unintended side - effect of this production technology is chronic activation or suppression of normal genes in the modified plants. This alters the actual nutrient structure of food and the function of the proteins within that food – a very serious matter.
The entire process of useful GMO seeds is also unpredictable. It creates multiple chance genetic events in every food cell invaded by the mutant genes. Now each gene doesn’t just do one thing and is highly interactive with other genes, the production of GMO food is not consistent and for safety cannot be guaranteed – especially when you ken that our scientific learning of gene interdependencies is in its source.
Eating food that is mutated by other non - food style is a grand experiment to spiel the numero uno. GMO mutants can transfer to the living bacteria in your digestive tract, as has been shown in ugly experiments. This can adversely copper the way your wreck bacteria behave so that they create pesticides and become more resistant to your immune system and medical treatments. If the GMO mutants were to transfer to an existing infection in your digestive tract then it could create your own superbug.
Because the proteins in GMO food are structurally different than normal food they significantly increase the risk for allergy. Allergy is one cast of inflammation that is likely to sequence from GMO food, but there are many other abeyant sources. These constitute the mis - metabolism of the food, the inherent toxicity of the food, and the pesticide residues on the food. These inflammatory problems of GMO food will additively contribute to other forms of inflammation identical as pollution and stress and add to the total inflammation burden sets the stage for many diseases. It is likely that GMO food will have a significant impact on pregnancy problems and developmental problems in children. At this time nobody can rule out GMO as a possible causative agent in Autism, as the rates of both have risen together. A recent re - evaluation of data provided by Monsanto showed that various types of GMO corn caused significant inflammatory organ damage to rats.
It has now been shown that the health consequence of eating high amounts of Roundup residue that is being sprayed in ever - higher amounts on GMO crops is the disruption of your endocrine system. A recent study shows that these residues of Roundup are highly interactive with sex hormones and significantly disrupt their function.
A 2008 Austrian government study showed that feeding GMO corn to mice for multiple generations resulted in fertility issues and sickly kidneys, as well as changes in metabolic pathways involved with inflammation, cholesterol, and protein. Here is a link to the 105 page report.
GMO crops are also extremely and adversely refashioning soil quality. In actuality, soil animals allying as earthworms are now commence to have incorporated GMO mutant corn genes into their cells. This the call is of supreme importance to likely human health problems. There is certainly insignificancy preventing this from happening to humans.
For more information on the devastating health consequences of consuming GMO foods read Jeffrey Smith’s books, Seeds of Inaccuracy and Genetic Roulette. ”
You may be concern the outstanding; if GMOs are so dangerous to eat then why are they allowed in the food supply?
Corporate Cronyism - A Offensive FDA Places the Public in Danger
We now know that FDA scientists originally working on the theory of the safety of GMO food had considerable concerns that included allergies, toxins, adverse nutritional effects, and new diseases. They urged long - term studies but were ignored by FDA management who instead decided that GMO food was “substantially equivalent” to normal food. In 1992 these managers issued the following policy statement in the Federal Register, “The agency is not aware of any information panoply that foods derived by these new methods differ from other foods in any meaningful or uniform way. ” In retrospect, that policy, which stands to this day, was a flat out guile and a treacherous betrayal of the public expectation.
Court cases have forced into public view the documents facund the concerns of the FDA scientists. You can peruse them all at this link to the BioIntegrity. Org website. In reality, rushing GMO foods to market also represents a serious breach of scientific sincerity by the overall research community.
Today, the FDA is a world governor in proteomic technology, the unaccustomed analysis of protein structure and function. Italian researchers using proteomics have under consideration proven beyond any debate that GMO food is so genetically different from normal food that it cannot maybe be considered substantially equivalent. Certainly the FDA could discover this gospel for themselves in a matter of hours. Why are FDA scientists in irons and not taking process?
Part of the FDA management team’s culture of corruption is a revolving door with the various companies they are supposed to be regulating, the very definition of corporate cronyism. These shenanigans have had the catch effect of the FDA stagecraft primarily as a police force bully representing various powerful lobbies that buy protection and marketing favors, while stomping on the rights of the little guys consistent organic family farms and consumers. In the case of food, Monsanto wins the gold medal for influence pedaling at the price of human health.
One of the more egregious examples of cronyism is Michael Taylor. He was an FDA staff lawyer and Executive Assistant to the FDA Commissioner from 1976 to 1981. From 1981 to 1991 he worked at the law firm of King and Spaulding, show as Monsanto’s lawyer and lobbyist. He was a major apostle for overturning the Delaney Clause, a 1958 law prohibiting the introduction of known carcinogens to pure foods, a law Monsanto hated and which was eventually disquieted by Clinton in 1996. His main power during this time was gaining regulatory whack of Monsanto’s genetically modified cancer - causing bovine sprouting hormone ( rBGH ).
To complete his efforts on the bovine vegetation hormone problem Taylor went back to work for the FDA in 1991 with the term Deputy Commissioner for Policy at the Food and Drug Administration. He was directly executive for writing the FDA policy on “substantial equivalence” which initially ushered in the rBGH era and to this day enables Monsanto to market its GMO mutated food with no adapted charge by the FDA as to safety. He also formulated policy that prevented milk producers from informing consumers that their milk was free of bovine progress hormone – intentionally preventing consumers from being able to tell what was in the milk product they were shrill.
After accomplishing his muddy work, he homeless the FDA in 1994 and went to work for Monsanto as Vice President for Public Policy, working on Monsanto’s long scale plans. More recently, he became a Senior Companion at Resources for the Future ( RFF ) and Lead of the Risk, Resources and Environmental Management break. In this role, he strategized how to get Monsanto’s GMO crops into Africa, working closely with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Rockefeller Foundation. He also worked closely with the Wilds Administration, and is the point individual in lot an elite agenda to revelation GMO seeds and biotech ambition around the world.
You guessed it – now he is back at the FDA in a new routine the Obama Administration created – Senior Advisor to the Commissioner, working primarily on issues of food safety! “I am content to welcome Mike Taylor back to the FDA, ” Commissioner of Food and Drugs Margaret A. Hamburg, M. D., spoken in announcing Taylor’s appointment. “His expertise and leadership on food safety issues will help the agency to develop and machine the prevention based strategy we need to protect the safety of the food we eat. ”
As Monsanto, in anti - competitive collusion with Dow, takes their new GMO toxic and mutated corn to market, stacked with eight genes, it should come as no surprise that unquestionably no safety testing is being required by the FDA. Never before have there been eight genes different simultaneously within the cells of food. One gene is bad enough. Three is horrendous. But eight? The reality that the FDA is not requiring extensive safety testing by independent sources of this highly unpredictable and dangerous technology is fishy. It is a grim day when the fox is in charge of the henhouse.
There Is No Good Cause for Monsanto’s GMOs
If you listen to Monsanto and their business cohorts equal as Cargill, they state they are trying to feed the world. In verisimilitude, the world could eliminate Monsanto’s mutated food tomorrow and it would be a better house. It could also do without Cargill theatre as an unregulated food investor, profiting on the rule of food sales at the amount of farmers in a way that is every bit as bad as the worst of Wall Way. There is no need for Monsanto’s GMO mutated seeds. They offer no advantages. It is an industry being propped up by unelected bureaucrats and elected officials on the obtaining end of Monsanto’s multi - million dollar lobbying operation.
Michael Taylor is one example of corporate crony influence, there are many others. The USDA is profiting from Monsanto’s seeds that cannot be used the next growing season ( the Terminator angle of the headache ). The EPA’s fault to regulate the amounts of Roundup used on food is yet numerous scandal. It’s all about profits and control – while undermining the world’s farmers and the biodiversity and sustainability of crops.
Contrary to the Monsanto and Cargill poop, GMO technology does not increase crop yields, as has been fully documented in the Union of Concerned Scientists report highborn Failing to Turnout. And GMO crops are very bad for the facsimile footprint.
The fact that the Obama administration is actively forwarding Monsanto’s efforts should be a grave enterprise to every American. Of course, the last 16 years of Clinton and Hodgepodge also did everything in their faculty to help Monsanto. No wonder Americans are fed up. Politicians in both parties are beholden to the golden image, not the best health interests of its tribe.
Take Back Our Food – Tie up the Fight
We the people can have a huge impact and we can pin money this serious threat to human health. Don’t buy GMOs food. GMOs soak corn and soy products, beet sugar is now mutated, and wheat is next in line. If you aren’t factual how to avoid GMO foods and brands then follow the advice addicted on Jeffrey Smith’s Non - GMO shopping guide. Demand from your political representatives that all GMO food be labeled as containing GMOs. This isn’t just a political argument – this is about your personal health and the future of food.
Watch this humorous and informative animation and pass it on to your friends: Larry Leptin & Family in Invasion of the Frankenfoods.

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