Tuesday, October 8, 2013

10 Ways Obamacare Takes Away Your Freedom

10 Ways Obamacare Takes Away Your Freedom

Senile Benny Franklin once oral that “people avid to trade their freedom for fleeting security deserve neither and will lose both. ” Now that the so - called “Health Care Reform Bill” has passed and been signed by the President, we are embryonic to find out what’s actually in the bill.
Remember that Pelosi, in an unintentional slip about ten days ago oral, “We need to pass the bill, so people can see what’s in it. ”
Less than 20 % of the esteemed 535 members of Congress actually peruse any part of the bill ( with halfway 90 % of the readers being Republican ), but yet they voted to trash the best medical system in the world, in favor of a philosophy that has been discredited in every corner it has been tried.
They voted to make it obligatory for everyone in the United States to participate in their bad and sequentially bankrupting system…except for the President and themselves. They get to keep what Obama labeled “Cadillac Plans. ” They exempted themselves from the very coverage that they are telling us is a “moral imperative” ( according to the Washington Post ).
And true to outline, they have started to demonize those with the courage to oppose the plan, because they actually guess that the American people are dummy. ( Don’t realize so? Try watching Bill Maher on HBO…or Jon Stewart…it’s their mantra. ) And the list wouldn’t be complete without the idiots at MSNBC, led by Keith Olbermann, Rachel Maddow and Chris “Tingle” Matthews.
So here are a few facts and there will be more coming out every day, as the Democrats actually have to show the legislation in it’s entirety, now that it has become law.
1 ) Utter you’re fledgling, and don’t want health insurance. You are rudimentary a small business and need to minimize expenses, and one way to do that is to forego health insurance. No way. You must pay $750 annually for the “privilege. ” ( Section 1501 )
2 ) You are unversed and healthy and want to pay for insurance that reflects that class? No dice. You’ll have to pay for premiums that cover not only you, but also the man who smokes three packs a day, drinks a gallon of whiskey and board chicken fat off the floor. ( Section 2701 )
3 ) You would equivalent to pay less in premiums, by buying insurance that has day, or annual limits on coverage? No can do. Health insurers will be forbidden to scribble relating a policy. ( Section 2711 )
4 ) Guess you congeneric a cheaper policy, through it doesn’t cover preventative care, or requires cost sharing? Nope, not allowed. ( Section 2712 )
5 ) Do you’re an director and you would same to offer coverage that doesn’t allow your employees’ slacker kids to stay on the policy until they’re 26? Too bad. ( Section 2714 )
6 ) You’re a single lad without kids? How woebegone. You’re a woman who doesn’t want children. Hardened luck. You will pay for all services, regardless of level. ( Section 1302 )
7 ) You don’t drink? Your policy must cover substance abuse. ( Section 1302 )
8 ) You’re an executive in the small group insurance market and want to offer a high deductible policy for lower premiums? Not energy to happen. ( Section 1302 )
9 ) If you want cosmetic surgery for any reason…say breast reconstruction whereas of cancer surgery. You’ll now be taxed an further 5 %. ( Section 9017 )
10 ) You’ll have to pay an more 3. 8 % tax if you make over $250, 000 as a couple and $200, 000 if you’re single. ( Section 1402 )
This is just the tip of the iceberg, being the bill has 2700 pages and it will take experts months to ferret out all the things Obama, Pelosi and Reid didn’t want to tell anyone… and with very good motive.
It all boils down to a very simple fact. The government can’t run the Post Office well, and nobody’s health is at pledge there. The Veteran’s Hospitals are among the worst in the country. If you really want a beholding at government healthcare, go take a whammy at how they’re run. That is how your hospital will run in the future.
We now have a righteous imperative to take care of ourselves.
We can only endurance that this unkind bill can be repealed, or admitted unconstitutional.
And by the way, in the immigration bill being designed at this moment. 12 million more people will be exceeding to the numbers. Health Reform was never about health care. It was about buying Democratic votes in the next ballot from illegal immigrants, who will be voter eligible.
I’m force to live fresh 38 years, just out of frost. I want to be here in 10 years, when there has not been a nickel saved, much less $138 billion. I want to be here, just to claim, “I told you so” when this piece of crap collapses below its own weight, when people are standing in line for hours to see a doctor and when passing over rates go up, coextensive they have in other countries that have adopted this heresy.
That’s the Obama Largesse. Right below his picture should be a note that says, “I destroyed the best health care system in the world. ”

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