Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Food Adulteration

Food Adulteration

Food Adulteration is the major disagreement related to food faced by all the countries all over the world. Not only the developing countries equivalent India, all the developed countries are paradoxical the problem of Food Adulteration. As a repercussion of this the people who consume the adulterated food are badly affected and sometimes even may resulting to food poisoning. Sometimes the results of consumption of adulterated food are immediate. In other cases the affect may be late and the overdue affect may be more dangerous even which may lead to cancer. The best example of this unpunctual effect is consumption of metal contaminated food. Metals enter into the food through air, water, soil or by industrial pollution and contaminate the food. Metallic components of arsenic oxides, Barium carbonates may accidentally make their way into the foods. Packaging material, containers, metal gadgetry that is used during food processing and distribution are the other sources of contamination. Metals are naturally begun in foods and even mere changes in the dietary uptake it leads to toxic effects. Some of the metals according to lead, tin cadmium, mercury, arsenic, zinc, copper, aluminum, cobalt and chromium when empty in sizeable quantities are toxic. Studies conducted by scientists at Industrial Toxicology Research centre, Lucknow father that silver foil used for sweets and in pan masala contain nickel, lead, chromium, and cadmium. These metals when accumulated slowly in the body become carcinogenic and may close in cancer. Silver foil with a purity of 99 % can be used in keep conformation. A survey conducted by the Indian Council of Medical research ( ICMR ) also father high levels of pesticide residues in bovine milk and metals equaling arsenic, cadmium and lead in infant canned products and turmeric. Nickel, a illuminate metal that could cause cancer is in process in Indian chocolates, water, and hydrogenated vegetable oil and even in milk. These types of Adulterants which are incidentally which enters the food products are called as Designless Adulterants or Unintentional Adulterants.
The Unpremeditated adulterants pass hereafter through the food chian in the following way: Contamination begins when farmers use pesticides to protect crops. The Health department sprays pesticides to control malaria - causing mosquitoes. Residues remain long after spraying. Stock, fodder and chicken feed are affected, and ground water, meat, fish, milk and egg get toxic. More spraying done to prevent fungus and rodents from attacking stored estimation. More increases the residue levels in foodstuffs. Sellers souse vegetables in pesticides to make them slant fresh as well as to preserve them. Oils and sweets are adulterated with prohibited substances. Even after cooking toxic residues are not grim and when ingested pesticides are gone by small intestine. Fatty tissues in process in the body store these pesticides which can lead to the damage of heart, Brain, kidney and liver. Honorable control on various sources of contamination, plain control of quality control by authorities, due follow up with the accepted standards and food labeling will avoid the excessive contamination of food with metals. These standards and rules build in Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1954 ( PFA 1954 ), PFA Rules 1955, Standard weights and measures Act 1976, AGMARK, Bureau of Indian Standards ( ISI ), Food Safety and Standard Act 2006 ( FSSA 2006 ).
The stray poisoning can be prevented by doing the following things:
- - >Regular market surveys to advise people dangerous build - up of toxins in food.
- - >Stepping up the gross pest - management schedule to teach farmers to use pesticides judiciously. No spraying should be done a week, before collect.
- - >Taking up on a fighting footing the control of pests using their natural predators.
- - >Using safer pesticides identical synthetic pyrethroids or Malathion.
- - >By washing vegetables thoroughly before cooking.

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