Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Big Brother Smells The Cash Sell That Oxandrolone Big Pharma

Big Brother Smells The Cash Sell That Oxandrolone Big Pharma

It seems Big Pharma and the USFDA have been up to their SNEAKY SNEAK as usual. This time it ' s about OXANDROLONE. Making big pharma happy helps make absolute your next private job is extra cushy!!! I give you more uses for oxandrolone now and approve 5 new generic oxandrolone and I get a 500, 000 USD job for me and my cousins subsequent with a corner office, 3x match on 401 ( k ), 10 - weeks paid vacation, and 6 - month paid sabbatical every 4 years to go on humping vacations and call it research. Oxandrolone research.

On tag uses is what the US FDA says you absolutely can use a pharmaceutical for. OFF Classify uses are common with medicines but with anabolic steroids and HGH, OFF - Classify prescribing = LICENSE SUSPENSION or CRIMINAL CHARGES potentially. With HGH, only the Secretary of Health and Human Services ( a non physician ofttimes ) gets to directive the ON - Classify uses. HGH is the only drug in America that Secretary of HHS gets to tells you ON - Classify uses for while OFF - Sticker is explicitly CRIMINAL.

Oxandrolone ( anavar ) has seen it ' s US - FDA on - ticket uses expanded so much over the last 5 years that it is oppressive the count on that anabolic steroids are even unborn controlled substances in the US. Oxandrolone is being branded the " unsteroid anabolic " effectively.

While anabolic steroids are called the devil ' s best friend in the press and people blame cocaine - overdoses by bipolars as steroid suicides over a little test.... and parents cry and blame testosterone over the 3 anti - psychotics, 2 anti - depressants, 4 anxiety meds, and liter of vodka their youngster took - - - - - Right Under THE NOSE OF CONGRESS AND THE USFDA - -
Oxandrolone and other anabolics keep having more and more.

OFFICIAL USES approved. Some of the new on - tag uses of oxandrolone are so broad that it ' s not a stretch that many bodybuilders are not better off visiting a liberal physician than contemplating non - compliant solutions. Let insurance pay for your oxandrolone - - - with so many on - categorize approvals, you ' ll find a way. Let ' s acknowledge this for what it is. BIG PHARMA must be able to PROFIT from ANABOLIC STEROIDS and the unrealized for profitability is too big not to register legion of new generic anabolic steroids ( generic oxandrolone ) in America and pay for studies to revitalize ON - Docket uses. Oxandrolone is among the biggest profit centers of all the registered anabolics in the USFDA CDER database. Underground Labs and Registered felonious imports of oxandrolone in America would get in the way of BIG PHARMA profits. Let ' s crush the illegitimate. Let ' s demonize it. At the same time, let ' s make indisputable than 50, 000, 000 Americans are eligible for prescriptions for it - - as long as its BIG PHARMA ' s OXANDROLONE.

Oxandrolone ' s list of ON - Categorize approved uses is now certainly liberal. It ' s a great step forward for anabolic enthusiasts and we should all be happy about that. But I can ' t help but endure a little satiated here. CALL OXANDROLONE absolute poison in the press on nearly a daily basis and keep clearing it for millions of Americans. We all know it can help a lot of people - - but they are just pandering to the CASH. Big Brother smells the Money and oxandrolone is the golden instigate. Oxandrolone markups are bizarre in US market.

Here are some of the ON - Marker uses of Oxandrolone that are real simple to qualify for:

Osteoporosis - CHECK Pain Associated with Osteoporosis - CHECK Muscle Wasting associated with Chronic Infection, Surgery, Hospitalization - CHECK Exceptional skin regrowth after burns - CHECK Fight malnutrition and wasting linked to Corticosteroid Treatments - CHECK

Damn.. I fell over and bulged a tape. I have a lot of pain. I need to go on methylprednisolone or get regular cortisol shots. You better scrawl me for 50mg of oxandrolone daily to go with that. IT ' S ON Docket. USFDA says that is a FINE IDEA. My insurance company will pay for it too so I don ' t mind that it will cost $1, 000 - $2, 000 USD per month for that dosage. That aged back injury just keeps coming back. Hmm... you know what... I don ' t want cortisol injections, you better send me home with methylpresnisolone pills ( $6 Medrol dosepack ). That way if I dont ' endure good on it, I can stop...

All that Dianabol over the years unsocial my spine decalcified. Now it also hurts from the decalcification. Let ' s use the US - FDA ON - Marker solution. OXANDROLONE. We ' ll take a Dexa inspect to confirm, that way I know I can never lose my DEA license and have the state medical board pissed at me. OK. Enjoy your INSURANCE COMPANY PAID FOR OXANDROLONE. Let me note muscle hardening and fat loss as side effects in your chart.

Oxandrolone has amazing imaginable. Body builders have known this for decades. The price was always the affair. Now studies by the ship - load coming-out anabolic steroids in general, but wholeheartedly endorse oxandrolone by the boatload. Isn ' t it interesting that pubmed studies that cast for dopamine issues and other negative sides associated with anabolic steroids so often avoid picking on oxandrolone? If you get-together oxandrolone, the manufacturers might not pay you for larger study next. Don ' t offend them. Even research is political.

Is BIG PHARMA paying for research to Coffee klatch the cheaper and safer anabolic steroids not unlike stanzolol and nandrolone in order to pull alternatives off the market and isolate it for Oxandrolone? ( I ' m ignoring Oxymetholone and Methandienone on purpose here - they ' re too asperous for comparison ).

Remember the Watson and Nandrolone scandal where the USFDA delisted the Chinese API after Watson refused to forfeit their registration ( pursue remaining US nandrolone decanoate registration ). If you won ' t give up nandrolone, then we ' ll push the certification on your Chinese API and you ' ll be forced to give it up. We ' ll even have State get China to piss on the Chinese company you use.

BIG PHARMA wants OXANDROLONE to win this competition and CHEAP NANDROLONE, you ' re in the way. Get off the nearing before you get a regulatory slapdown. Of drive, Watson had USFDA cleared Nandrolone API options, but they got the poop raucous and fine. PLAYBALL WITH BIG BROTHER AND YOUR Partner BIG PHARMA, and you ' re next few registrations might be easier.

Then let ' s recommend research to diversion Nandrolone more. Let ' s back negative research on all anabolics. Let ' s make Congress and the SHEEP public believe that steroids are PURE Villainous. Then let ' s put mom, dad, aunt jane, uncle joe, and grandpa on Oxandrolone and let their insurance pay for it at 10 - 25x the normal price for the generic oxandrolone. BIG PHARMA BUSTED.

Let me nook it in a little thicker. Oxandrolone is working to be put on - tab to the extent that an AARP identify will be a de facto prescription. Since aging itself isn ' t accessible use, we ' ll put osteoporosis but you might have to indicate that - - let ' s put pain linked to osteoporosis too. Now it ' s universally available for anti - aging for most people over 50. Go oxandrolone go.

Without abiding the list, these on - sticker uses are enough to commit over 50, 000, 000 legitimate prescriptions for Oxandrolone in the U. S. 1 in 2 men over 50 are likely to qualify for some medical ground to be prescribed Oxandrolone.

Oxandrolone can be used to reduce wasting linked to recovery of any surgical procedure. It will help skin increase after my facelift, I ' ll do a 90 day circuit of oxandrolone 50mg daily post - operatively for skin progress and to avoid wasting post - operatively - - - COMPLIANT

Low testosterone guys often find osteoporosis an question and frankly Dianabol is one of the anabolics that oftentimes does reduce calcium bone density. Order a DEXA survey. Confirm Osteoporosis. You ' ll need 10mg oxandrolone daily for life to help with that issue. See your physician immediately.

I ' ven been pumping too much. Always getting Urinary Alley Infections. So I just keep the Cipro flowing all the time for the chronic infections. I ' ll need some Oxandrolone immediately - - ON Tab of course Doctor. - - COMPLIANT


THANK YOU USFDA: You are somewhere allotment people to see that OXANDROLONE is fantastic and has so many great uses that the public should LOVE OXANDROLONE and not DEMONIZE OXANDROLONE.

NO THANK YOU USFDA: For pandering to private interests in making these decisions and pressuring the nandrolone market out which is an amazing
medicine for all the equivalent application as Oxandrolone.

BIG PHARMA: We know what you did. We see what you are doing. Methyl - Inspection banned to sell it at $6 a pellet later.. B6 called a pharmaceutical. Nandrolone pressed out ( so much medical probable ) in order to elevate up oxandrolone. We know money is all you see, not people, not patients.

ANABOLIC RESEARCH GRANT HOLDERS: Guess about who gave you the money and why they did. Reckon about the motives not just looking good to the chairman of your department for bringing in the loot. Do what ' s right for the people not BIG PHARMA. Open your eyes and ears. Don ' t be a press sucker programmed sheep.

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