Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Progressivism Equals Socialism Or Worse - communism Or Fascism? What ' s Up With That?

Progressivism Equals Socialism Or Worse - communism Or Fascism? What ' s Up With That?

Slaphappy by what is happening to the United States of America? Are these the last days of America as we know it? Consider that since the autumn of 2008 the federal government has taken over or taken control of 30 % of all private enterprise profits in the U. S. You report, come on, that really did not occur or could not eventuate in the U. S. Well did you know the feds effectively took over the banking system, the insurance companies and two major car companies ( GM and Chrysler )? The ( so far ) attempted take over of the entire health care system ( which is 1 / 6th of our economy just by itself ) would add higher 18 % private business profits takeover. Besides, the Cap and Trade bill that passed the Domicile of Representative in 2009 and is pending in the U. S. Senate, would add an supplementary 8 %. That would get it up to 56 % of private business wealth controlled by the feds. The student loan program is on deck at the Senate as the House nowadays passed it. All of this was incogitable just 18 months ago.
Before this historic takeover started, the federal government under consideration controlled about 20 % of the entire economy. This via various programs congeneric as Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Food Stamps, Passing Assistance for Meager Families ( TANF ), Federal Housing Assistance - loan payment subsidies and rental subsidies, Home Energy Assistance and the list goes on and on. One can tender suggest we are current at elementary a quasi - socialist country. Progressives want the so called “progress” of more and more of the federal government controlling our economy. Will the U. S. survive coextensive an overhaul? At this point it seems unlikely, especially prone the in process crushing, unsustainable U. S. debt. The current Administration and Congress seem to be employing the Cloward and Piven strategy. David Horowitz plainly explains the strategy as: “The strategy of forcing political silver through orchestrated predicament. The “Cloward and Piven” strategy seeks to revive the fall of capitalism by overloading the bureaucracy with a flood of impossible demands, in consequence pushing society into go and economic collapse. ” They verbal this would allow “for major economic reform at the national level. ” In other sound, collapse the system in order to refashion it the way they want. Me thinks into a dictatorship due to after all underneath the progressives mind-set, the elitist know what is best for us. We, the people, are just too dummy to know what is in our best game.
Fascism is essentially a bulky - handed, strong at ease government that extensively regulates private businesses and corporations. One could consult with we are partly there now or there is not much time isolated to avert it. With the halfway impossible yearly deficits and mounting U. S. debt, the Cloward and Piven strategy appears to be alive and well. The natural “progression” after the collapse would be toward communism ( can you say influence grab? ) with the needful redistribution of property and wealth so there is more economic equality for everyone. Economic egalitarianism without much regard for individual efforts or reward for individual oppressive work. Extinction from within the U. S as often predicted. We can see if before our very eyes.
Please, please wake up America – it is still not too behind!

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