Friday, January 3, 2014

Getting Lean And Ripped With A Bodybuilding Diet

Getting Lean And Ripped With A Bodybuilding Diet

Bodybuilders are among the most successful in the world at losing pure bodyfat and getting shredded. Competitive bodybuilders train and eat differently than most of dieters who fail. And in this article I will outline a good bodybuilding pre - contest diet plan that you can follow to get that ripped to the bone contest individuality. This information will really help you if you are planning on competing in bodybuilding. And even if you are not really stimulated in getting on stage, but you would comparable to get ripped, then the info covered here will help you get that lean " beach body " stare.

I ' ve been competing in bodybuilding competitions since 1995 so I ' ve picked up a few tricks over the years and I ' m big idea to share them with you here...

I personally start dieting for a contest at smallest 6 months in advance. I want to have awfully of time to prepare myself. For the first month I smartly cut out all junk foods and eat zot but clean foods. Conforming as beef, chicken, turkey, fish, eggs, milk, protein shakes, rice, potatoes, pasta, fruit, vegetables, etc. I eat about 5 - 6 small meals each day. I drink too much of water at anterior 1 gallon a day. I will also do about 30 review of cardio exercise 4 - 6 times each week, before breakfast. I will keep on my regular weight training workout.

The second month of preparation is very coinciding to the first. I will still eat the identical as mentioned elder. But I will increase my cardio exercise to at primitive 45 note, 5 - 7 times per week, before breakfast. The whole idea of doing cardio before breakfast is to help burn up more stored bodyfat. At this time there is no food in your system to be used as fuel so you ' ll burn more bodyfat from your cardio. It also helps to bounce start your metabolism for the day. After exercise your metabolism is elevated and remains so for several hours.

The third month I get stricter with my diet. I will actualize to cut back on my portions of starchy carbohydrates while keeping my protein intake high ( between 250 - 300 grams of protein per day ). I also eat more vegetables. My diet is now mainly foods undifferentiated as very lean meat, poultry, fish, protein supplements, vegetables, rice, potatoes, neutral, etc. I will increase my cardio to about 60 magazine each morning before breakfast.

I ' ll also start taking a fat burner. For my last show I used " Palo Alto Labs Colossal ". I father that it worked great, I would take 2 caps twice per day on an empty innards. Once before cardio and further before my weight training workouts through it helps give me an energy boost, curb my appetite, and hoist my metabolism enabling me to burn more bodyfat.

The fourth month is pretty much agnate the third month with dieting and doing cardio each morning before breakfast. I will also start practicing my obligatory poses 3 - 4 days per week. At this stage I am getting lean and can start to see the definition manifestation in my abs, legs, back, chest, etc...

The fifth month before the contest I get stricter with my diet. I will eat approx. 1 gram of carbohydrate and 1. 5 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight each day. I don ' t normally count fat grams, but they are kept as low as possible. However, I will make clear to consume some healthy fats commensurate fish oil, flax oil, olive oil, etc.

My daily eating during contest prep will go uniform this:

Cardio - take fat burner and black coffee - 1 hour of cardio

Meal 1 - bowl of ecru mixed with protein powder - egg whites

Meal 2 - chicken breast - garden salad

Meal 3 - can of tuna - garden salad

Workout - take fat burner and black coffee - weight training workout - practice posing - protein drink

Meal 4 - steak - steamed veggies - luscious potatoes

Meal 5 - protein drink

I also bite my food and even add a couple shakes of pungency to my protein drinks. Most people accepted expect this is mad. But I find that if I don ' t add zest to my diet I get bad muscle cramps when training. Don ' t worry you will not retain water, your body will adjust to a higher salt intake within a few days and as long as you are drinking lots of fluids your body will flush out any supererogatory water. I ' ll keep doing this until 2 days out from the show.

I strive to be in shape one month out before the contest and then just keep with the diet, cardio, training, etc. to let my conditioning just cool up. I won ' t lose a whole lot more bodyweight, but my skin will get tighter and thinner.

My workouts are not that insolvable and hefty at this holiday of my contest prep. I know that I won ' t be gaining any more muscle mass on a calorie express diet plan, so I ' m just trying to maintain what muscle I have and get leaner. I someday have my posing routine down earnest. I just want keep plugging away consistently. The temptation to villain on my diet is very strong now. It is very important not too rogue. I keep my eye on the finish line and know that the dieting will be all over away.

Carb Loading & Water Intake...

I do not carb deplete or carb punishment during the press on week. I have nondiscriminatory all kinds of bonkers horsepower agnate this in the ended and I form that it is best to just diet right up to the day of the show. Messing with your carb intake at the carry forward sparse is too hit and mouse, you risk screwing things up and cut water. You are better off playing it safe by adhering to your diet and then just slightly increase your carb intake slightly for a tack on days before the show ( i. e. rather then having 1 yam, eat 2 yams instead, etc. ).

During the rest week I will increase my water intake to about 2 gallons per day. I will stop all weight training and cardio a join days before the weigh to let my body extend and pick up.

Friday dim before the figure I will cut back on my water intake and just have a small glass of water with each meal. I also take herbal diuretic capsules on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday to help get rid of the exorbitant water under my skin. I do not cut my water intake considerably, just cut back. Cutting out water entirely can sanction you flat and smooth. Your body needs to have some water in the muscles in order to get a pump and hit your poses properly.


I ' ll start tanning in the tanning bed at lead off 3 times per week for a couple months before the show. This will give me a base tan. Then on Friday before the show I ' ll put on about 3 - 4 coats of ProTan. This is a imbue tan that you distemper on with a brush brush. Saturday morning before the show I ' ll also put on a coat of Wish Tan. This is a real dark bodybuilding tan, it comes in a small jar, and you just rub the cream over your skin. I ' ll put a coat of this on Saturday morning, other coat before pre - hope, and besides before the evening show. Daydream Tan works great and it has oil in the tan so you do not need to use much if any further posing oils.

Back Stage...

When I go to the contest I take a MP3 musician with my posing orchestration. I try to find a home by myself back stage so I can practice my posing routine. By doing this, my routine is fresh in my mind before racket on stage in front of the gig and judges.

When pumping up before dash on stage I will do some light, high rep, larger body exercises allied as push ups, bowed over rows, bicep curls, etc. with a rubber fitness band. Never pump up the legs or the abs, these muscles always peekaboo and flex better when they are not pumped. Do not pump up too much since it will make you shake when you pose. Just sunny up and get the blood flowing to the muscles.

And the last thing that I recommend is to go out there and have a good time. Be confident and satisfied of your comprehension and put on a good show for the crowd. At this point you have done all you can do, now it is up to the judges to decide the rest.

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